English Cafe

A space for anyone interested in practicing their English and meeting people from different cultures to do so in a casual and relaxed setting!

You are welcome to join as a participant, or even as a facilitator if you feel comfortable enough with your English ability to guide participants.

No serious preparation is needed. We welcome anyone with open arms!!

◆Upcoming Dates

〇 22nd, January (Wed), 2025, 18:30~


◆Place: Shoundo


Komatsushi Ryusukecho 27


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Once or twice a month 18:30 - 20:00 

Participation Fee

¥200 for KIA member/volunteer

¥500 for general public

Free for Komatsu University student

In addition

We are also recruiting English-speaking facilitators to guide the conversations!

Transport costs for the venue (if on Zoom, network costs for Zoom sessions) will be reimbursed by KIA.

Please contact us at kiasecretariat@gmail.com if interested.

Looking forward to creating fun conversations together!

Provide the following details to sign-up

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